Server rules

  1. No asking to be staff
  2. No hacks or anti-afk mechanisms of any kind (including auto-clicking)
  3. No advertising any other server
  4. No excessive bad language
  5. Respect all staff
  6. Respect all players
  7. Only speak English in global chat
  8. No griefing, stealing or raiding
  9. No spamming
  10. No asking for God, Fly or OP
  11. No offensive skins
  12. No spawning a wither without containing it
  13. No racism, sexism or other discrimination

If you have any problems, please contact a member of staff


Discord rules

  • Swearing is allowed but don’t go over the top.
  • Respect everyone on the Eden discord.
  • No advertising any other servers.
  • No name calling or being mean.

If you have any problems, please contact a member of staff.